Friday, 3 April 2015


Image Courtesy: Google

Her wardrobe was an explosion of colour and glitz. Radhika was spoilt for choice when it came to clothes, accessories and almost everything else she wanted. She was the pampered wife of a millionaire who went on endless business trips around the globe in search of better deals and more money. They owned a lot wealth and lead a lavish life; an outsider could never find any flaws in their life.

Yet, as she stood in front of her cupboard trying to decide what to wear to the party that night, she felt a strange sense of emptiness. She couldn't fathom what it was. Maybe it was time to shop for new clothes and bags. Maybe the diamonds had been worn too many times and it was time for a new set. Or could it be because it had been long since a holiday in an exotic resort in a faraway land?

What was it she lacked? Why did she feel empty? Her thoughts were disturbed as she looked down from her window at the adjoining slum. Where did these people come from? She watched with shock and disgust as two urchins sifted through the garbage, picking bottles and jars. When their sacks fattened up with objects of glass and plastic, they exchanged them with a man, for some money.

The children dashed to the nearby shop that sold fly infested samosas, pastries and snacks dripping with oil. Radhika watched them munch hungrily on the samosas. Their faces burst into smiles as they wiped their oily hands on their knickers and prepared for a nap near the stinking pile of garbage. She then realised what was wrong. She had never once felt content.

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  1. If only money could buy solace, contentment and happiness. I see we have jotted down on the same emo twice! Looking forward to more!

  2. Ah! What is the use of all the richness if she never felt content! Lovely narration :)

    Read my C post Crux

  3. Oh! Money cannot buy inner peace and contentment any more than mascara can cure melanoma!

  4. Oh wow! You keep getting better each day, Vidya! If only a lot more people were content, the world would be a better place to be in.

  5. Simply Whoa! Cool story! excellent narrative. If only money could buy us Content!

  6. Nice one. One should be content in life and money cannot buy that contentment, It comes from within.

    1. Yes, we shouldn't depend on external factors to be happy and content

  7. Beautifully written, Vidya. It is the truth, isn't it? Contentment is never about amassing stuff. :) Those who have very little manage to be absolutely happy without a care in the world!

  8. My sister travels to India, sometimes monthly, for business. She tells me what she sees, including people living on the street. For those of us who have money, we assume those without are "happy" when we see them smiling. However, we don't know that, because we've never experienced what they've experienced. ~~~~ Money can't buy happiness, but I'd rather have it than not have it.

    Precious Monsters

    1. Of course, but happiness, peace of mind and contentment come from within.Once the basic necessities are met, happiness doesn't increase much with material wealth!

  9. I've had money and not had money. I definitely prefer the latter! However, you are exactly right, the money doesn't determine our happiness. I was fortunate to have figured this out when I was at my most broke point...and now that I am long past those difficult days, I can appreciate the financial ease I have now and share it in the community.

  10. New follower here - stopping by from the "A to Z Challenge". I tried to follow you, but GFC doesn't seem to be cooperating at the moment. I'll try again later. I look forward to visiting again!


  11. Enjoyable post - really interesting. I'm enjoying the A-Z-ing so far - good fun (I'm number 590 on the list)

  12. Wonderful narration about the tendency of a person to never remain "content" with what s(he) has. Loved this one, Vidya. :-)

  13. Powerful!!! Really loved this, Vidya!

  14. What a perception! It's not the quantity definitely, and sometimes its not the quality either but how it makes us feel content! Loved the story, Vidya.
